Feb 7, 2010

Olly the Owl

I found a tutorial on the internet HERE to make a little owl named "Olly". I decided that I would have a go at making one for myself and this is how he turned out....he didn't take very long to make and I think he looks pretty cute!!!
I am going to use him as my first toy drop for "The Toy Society". The Toy Society is about randomly leaving homemade toys in various locations to be found by others...therefore sharing love and joy. I joined the site many months ago and have been going to make something for a long time....so am rather excited to actually be planning my first drop. Hope you will go to the Toy Society Blog here and check it out.....look for my drop to be posted in the near future and then check back to see if "Olly" will be found.


  1. I think he is very cute! I'm glad I was there to witness your first drop, and the excitement that Declan had when he discovered someone had found Olly.

  2. Yeah I love this concept although I have not been able to get my photo uploaded to the toy society website. Will have to try again this weekend.
