Dec 27, 2009

Arrrrgh! Anyone want a dog?

I came home this afternoon and felt sorry for the dogs outside with the rainy weather so let them inside. I was feeling tired and instead of eating to keep awake I thought I would go off for a Nanna Nap.... I took my little dog (Sandy) with me and put her in the bed on the floor but left Lizzie free range of the lounge room area.....she usually sleeps on my mum's chair.

When I got up after about 30mins just look at what Lizzie had spent her time doing......

She had ripped open her bed and then pulled out all the stuffing which was then spread all over the lounge room.

I also bought a new Navman GPS for myself today and had a little play with it this afternoon, but the little special flyer that was included in the box fell onto the of course that meant to Lizze here is something to chew and rip up......

Luckily I can still read the internet address on the flyer so will still be able to access the special offer but.....seriously thinking about making my own special offer for someone to have a new little doggie!

I am so glad that Sandy (my dog) doesn't do these sorts of things at all...guess I have been very lucky with her.

Anyway hope you have all enjoyed your christmas, boxing day, etc.

Dec 22, 2009

Christmas Presents

Today I finished off the last of my calendars that I have given to a range of people for Christmas.
I started with one of those whiteboard type calendars and decorated it with designer paper and stamps. As of this afternoon I have completed my 12th one! The photo below shows the whole calendar.....then I have included some photos of the different designs....but no 2 calendars are the same. All it needs is for the recipient to add their own photo to the space and hang ready for the fast approaching new year!

Dec 20, 2009

Time to Clean Up

I decided that it was finally time to clean up all of my creative mess.....I had moved out onto the dining room table but this is how it looked when I started.....(LOTS of handmade Chrissy presents were created to make this mess)
Wow when I got rid of most of the rubbish...returned things to other rooms and stacked things back in their boxes it began to look like a more organised space.....
Oh my goodness I did actually have a table under all that stuff. I wonder how long I will be able to keep it clutter free???
Now the table has been uncovered I moved onto the desk in my craft room. This has been a mess for quite a while and the reason I moved out to the dining room in the first place. Believe it or not most of this stuff has a home and there will be a desk under it all.....if only I just get started.

Ta! Da! I did it ..... one organised craft desk ready to start creating some more projects. Yay!

Well all in all a very productive day.....I can now safely let Annette in the door when she visits tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great day and all the best for the countdown to Christmas.

Dec 19, 2009

Sew, Sew, Sew!


This will be the third addition to my blog in the last 2 days after months and months of nothing. Hope you are not too shocked to keep reading.

I have been busy today making bags for gifts.....and for myself.

This bag is called a "Margaret Bag" and I got the pattern from the internet. The material is from "JJ's" at Redcliffe and was only $6 a metre. All up I think the bag cost me about $8.

This is my new shopping bag.....I am going to use it as a replacement for the plastic ones. This material came from spotlight....Toni has also used it before (just shows what good taste she has). I made up the pattern for this bag ... using some of the different patterns in the material.

Now onto the gifts....

I made this drawstring bag for Declan to keep his dancing shoes in. I followed a basic pattern from the internet....this is my first drawstring bag that is fully lined. I love that all the seams are hidden between the two layers. I used the computer to print out the writing and traced it onto the fabric, cut it out and stitched around it on the machine.

Then this is the same pattern for a drawstring bag for Tara to also keep her dancing shoes in. I actually handstitched around her lettering becasue I wanted to use purple, which is her favourite colour. Hopefully she will love it as much as I loved making it.
Well that's all for now.... maybe I will be making more regular updates in the future so please keep coming back to check.

Goodbye to a very special person

This afternoon my nanna passed away after suffering a massive stroke earlier in the week. She was 94. My mum and dad left early Wednesday morning to drive over to Perth but unfortunately were about 1 hour too late to say goodbye before she passed. Mum was able to go to the hospital though and have a chance to say her goodbye before they moved her.

My nanna was a very special lady....she wasn't directly related to me but was a lady who opened her home and family to my mum when my mum was young and had no where to live. She treated my mother like one of her own and when my mum got married and had children she became my nanna. I have many wonderful memories of holidays at her house and special times we shared together. Even though my brother and I were not really her grandchildren she sent us birthday and christmas presents every year right into our 30's.

My nanna is now at peace and no longer suferring but she will always be sadly missed.

Wow a blog update

Well hope everyone is having a great start to the holidays.....and not too stressed with last minute christmas organisation.

I went to the Petrie twilight markets last night to see Deb and Toni....there stall looked fantastic. I was disappointed that there were not a lot of other stall holders....really quite small.

Now for my news.....on the last day of term I decided to apply for a position with Catholic Education.....which has led to a crazy week. First I got a phone call on Tuesday to schedule an interview on then on Thursday I went off for my interview at 10.30am. I felt the interview went well and by 2.30pm I had an offer for the job. I asked for time to think it over (I wasn't confident that I would get it so really hadn't considered everything) so after talking to a range of friends, the union, etc I decided I would accept the new job. So now I am going to be resigning from Education Queensland.......

While I am excited about my new adventure I know that I will definitely miss a range of close friends at Caboolture East.