Aug 21, 2010

What to do with ribbons????

I have started to re-organise my craft room. Stampin Up is releasing new colours in September when the new catalogue begins and some of the old colours are going. They have also organised all of the colours into new families. As a result I decided to rearrange my cardstock. I also have had a challenge of how to sort all of my ribbon spools. For ages I have kept them in a really hasn't worked and it was always difficult to find the colour that I wanted (usually in the bottom of the the box). I thought I would look at some storage ideas on the internet...I found lots of great shelves/racks but didn't really want to spend a lot of money. I went to bunnings to have a look at wood and thought I could build a shelf unit myself. While I was there I saw this plastic storage box with holes that were perfectly sized for 8mm dowel. It could stand up by itself (definitely a bonus), so I decided it was worth taking it home to see if it would work. 10 mins later I now have a fully functional ribbon storage box. Total cost $11....what a bargin!

Aug 14, 2010

Patchwork Tablecloth

In my travels around the internet I have found hundreds of projects thatI would love to give a of them was a quilt using a MODA charm pack. I decided that I would make mine into a tablecloth. While there are a number of little imperfections I am happy with how it turned out. What do you think????