Feb 22, 2010

Lamb Roast

Yesterday I got to visit Annette and her family......I was rewarded with the most beautiful lamb roast, veges and gravy for dinner. Yum! Yum! Just needed to say thanks Annette for inviting me and thanks Ardal for the good cooking. Having dinner with such a large family was a different experience.....very different to eating dinner on your own. I loved the chance to feel a part of a bigger family....so thanks to the MacMahon's for looking after me. My only problem from spending time with them all....just reminded me how much I miss seeing you everyday. I think if I could just combine the best bits of the 2 jobs (Cath Ed and EQ) life would be grand.

Hope all of you are set for a great week!!!

Feb 17, 2010

I didn't have to wait long....

No sooner had I posted the last blog message and then an email came through. It was the Toy Society blog owner telling me my drop had been found......and the person has included a photo. Please, Please, check it out here. It made me feel soooooo good to see it being loved so much....I AM DEFINITELY going to do this again. Thanks Belinda and Alice for rescuing Olly and I'm glad he has gone to a good home.

Toy Society!!!!!

I have been checking the Toy Society website waiting to see if my little owl got uploaded and each and every day I was disappointed until.......TODAY! I got an email to say that Olly had been added to the website.....you can see it here. He is drop number 949. Now I just need to wait and see if the person that found him (he was found before I left the hospital) replys to say he was found......did I mention how much I hate waiting for things.....

Feb 7, 2010

Olly the Owl

I found a tutorial on the internet HERE to make a little owl named "Olly". I decided that I would have a go at making one for myself and this is how he turned out....he didn't take very long to make and I think he looks pretty cute!!!
I am going to use him as my first toy drop for "The Toy Society". The Toy Society is about randomly leaving homemade toys in various locations to be found by others...therefore sharing love and joy. I joined the site many months ago and have been going to make something for a long time....so am rather excited to actually be planning my first drop. Hope you will go to the Toy Society Blog here and check it out.....look for my drop to be posted in the near future and then check back to see if "Olly" will be found.

Feb 4, 2010

Super Sale for Sewers!!!

Hi everyone...just thought I would get on here to let you all know about the fantastic sale on at LINCRAFT.

I went there by chance tonight to have a quick look at material and found that all fabrics are 1/2 price, yep that's right 1/2 price. I bought some pretty japanese quilting fabric normally $16 a metre for $8 a metre. Home spun normally $5 now only $2.50. What a bargain and the best thing is the sale is on from now until Feb 14th....so if you have time definitely worth the travel to a Lincraft store. I went to the newest one at Toombul shopping centre and think I might try to get back there when I have more time to look carefully.

Hope you have all had a great week!

Feb 1, 2010


Yummy, yummy...everyone loves cupcakes right...but wait I know you're thinking what's Peta doing eating cupcakes...she's on a diet. Well take a look at my new little cupcake.....one that won't end up on your thighs or hips...Ha..ha..ha.

Introducing my little cupcake pin cushion. I made this little fellow on the weekend....isn't it just so cute. How did you make it? I hear you ask. Well I just freehanded a little abstract shape out of the green and then zig zag stitched it onto some calico. I cut the calico into a circle and laid some crochet thread around the outside edge and stiched over it with a very large zig zag....this helps when you gather the edges up to add a little stuffing. Then I just glued it into a little silicon cupcake base with some hot glue. I added some blue rick rack but that's only for decoration....Then the sprinkles on the top are just the heads of all of the pins.....super cute and very practical. I love it! Hope you do too!