Apr 25, 2011
What a shock - a new post!!!!!
Jan 10, 2011
It's raining so I might as well sew!!
The rain keeps falling so that means I have to stay inside.....I don't want to think about school until next week so what better to distract me....some sewing.
Last year I bought myself an iPod Touch to use for work, it synchronises with my calendar, emails etc and can access wifi networking. It has been fantastic and I also love the apps that I have found for school and games, downloading tv shows etc. BUT I hate that my headphones always end up in a knotted mess in my handbag.....solution, make my own bag to keep everything in. I love how it turned out in the end.
When I started I had no pattern and was not really sure of measurements etc so things were made up as I went along. A little bit of patchwork, some quilting, add a little pocket to the front (to store the headphones neatly) and sew up a little bag complete with lining. I love how it worked out in the end.
Initially the plan was to put my Ipod into the bag with its old cover on.....but when I was finished it didn't fit, bugger! Ok the bag is a little too big for the ipod on its own, and how will I keep it closed....I know velcro.
I attched velcro to the inside, NOPE I wasn't really happy with it. Out came the unpicker...and goodbye velcro.
I decided to make a casing to thread in some cord/ribbon. The cord was uneven as it came out of the inside so I ended up changing it for some hat elastic....YEP! Happy and best of all the ipod can go in and out easily. Then I added a little clip so that I can attach it to the inside of my bag which will save lots of time searching for it when I need it. You can check out the finished product below.